Accueil > Encyclopédie des personnalités > K > Woody Kling
Woody Kling

  Producteur de :

Hello, Larry (1979 - 1980)

  Producteur exécutif de :

All in the Family (1975 - 1976)

  Scénariste de :

Maude - Episode 4.14 - The Christmas Party (1975)
All in the Family - Episode 5.5 - Lionel the Live-In (1974)
All in the Family - Episode 4.23 - Pay the Twenty Dollars (1974)
Maude - Episode 2.19 - The Commuter Station (1974)
Maude - Episode 2.14 - The Office Party (1973)
Maude - Episode 2.10 - Maude's Musical (1973)
Maude - Episode 1.13 - The Slumlord (1972)


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